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      VIP MEMBERSHIP – Join Our Picturestitch 

      The VIP membership allows you to make a monthly purchase of up to $20 worth of Nicola's designs for ONLY $9.99 or $240 of designs for ONLY $100 if paid on an annual basis.

      How much is it?
      You have two options if you would like to purchase VIP membership:
      1. $9.99 per month for a $20 coupon every month. Coupon sent via email at the first of the month and must be used by the end of the month.
      2. $100 per year for a $20 coupon sent via email at the first of each month and must be used by the end of the month. Total value $240 for one time $100 payment.

      **Once you have paid, please email me at picturestitchhelp@gmail.com to receive your VIP Coupon code.

      When does the money go out of my bank account if I choose a monthly membership?

      Each month, $9.99 will be taken from your Paypal account on the day of the month that you joined. So for example, if you signed up on January 6th for monthly membership, then your membership fee will be withdrawn from your account on the 6th of each month. Please set up the recurring monthly payments, or one time annual payment to picturestitch@gmail.com

      You will receive you coupon code for the month on the day you join. It will expire the last day of the month.  Then every month after that, you will receive your coupon code the first of the next month. Codes expire the last day of the month so please remember to use them.

      Do I have to commit to membership for a minimum period?

      No!! If you join on a monthly basis and then decide that you need to cancel your membership for whatever reason, just cancel the recurring payment in Paypal at any time.

       How do I join?

      Go to products below and select the Membership Option that you’d like. There you will have the choice of the monthly or annual membership