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      Blog — free

      Angel Mother - FREE Design from Hatch-Wilcom and Nicola Elliott

      Angel Mother - FREE Design from Hatch-Wilcom and Nicola Elliott

      Hatch is giving away a beautiful design by Nicola called, Angel Mother. You can get this design by clicking on the image below. If you do download, please tell Nicola "Thank You" for always sharing with us.






      A stunning design by Nicola Elliott.
      Nicola said this design is "...to look {watch} over everyone. I feel very blessed to have my mum still in my life, so I always try and think about people that do not have their mums with them."

      4 x 4
      Size: 99mm x 61mm
      Stitches: 8,732

      5 x 7
      Size: 175mm x 120mm
      Stitches: 17,281