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      the Bride's Bouquet

      the Bride's Bouquet

      The simple and sweet design will make everything, it's embroidered on, better! With only 3 steps and a very low stitch count, you will enjoy stitching this one out!

      ==>>GET THIS DESIGN NOW<<==

      The best part is this design is 20% off for 48 hours! Don't wait!

      Cinder Bookworm

      Cinder Bookworm

      This beautiful fairytale embroidery design will bring light to anything it's stitched on. This design is very light on stitches and embroiders perfectly, every time.

      Hurry before the magic unravels and everything returns to normal.

      ==>>GET THIS DESIGN NOW<<==

      The best part is this design is 20% off for 48 hours!

      Hans and Greta Bookworm Embroidery Design

      Hans and Greta Bookworm Embroidery Design

      Follow the confectionary delights and enjoy this beautiful embroidery design by Nicola Elliott. This piece features one of the best known story tales of all time. This sister and brother duo eventually outwit the witch to continue their bookworm time!

      ==>> GET THIS DESIGN NOW! <<==

      The best part is this design is 20% off for 48 hours!

      Little Fisher Boy - Sweet Little Embroidery Design

      Little Fisher Boy - Sweet Little Embroidery Design

      This adorable little boy is spending the day fishing. This embroidery design is very versatile and can be customized to your needs.

      ==> GET IT NOW <==

      The best part is this is 20% off for 48 hours!